House of Lords Library 

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UK Parliament logo for article about safer ageing and stopping abuse with Hourglass charity

On 9 July 2021, the House of Lords Library published a new resource on the nature and extent of abuse of older people with supporting reference materials from various charities, including Hourglass’ research. 

It is vital that policy and lawmakers understand the risks of abuse in later life and the need for bespoke support and tailored solutions. For example, official advice during lockdowns failed to adequately address the specific needs of older people experiencing domestic abuse, in particular, the advice for those affected to leave home and seek refuge despite the lockdown rules. This message does not reflect the reality for many older victims or the barriers to leaving home for older people, particularly  those  who were advised to shield  in line with public health advice.

Read the full library piece here

At Hourglass, we are dedicated to keeping our older people safe from harm, abuse and exploitation and to campaign for safer ageing for all society. 
You can read about our campaigns here and  the pledges of support from MPs and Parliamentarians here

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